Thursday, January 21, 2016

Containers. The future of architecture

When I think architecture, steel containers aren't usually what come to mind.

But the concept is working. This article from The Guardian enlightened me as to a location called The Wenckehof in Amsterdam. It is a building for student housing made out of 1,000 recycled, rectangular shipping containers. You can probably imagine the resistance to such an idea. "Where do you live?" "I live in the shipping containers." There is a natural...not to mention understandable... reluctance for the modern human to agree to live in a steel box. The dwellings turned out just fine, however, and the residents are comfortable. As many communities grapple with the tandem problems of overcrowding and housing costs, both architects and housing organizations are starting to consider this approach.

What are the advantages of domiciles constructed from stacks of containers? Well for one thing, it's not like there aren't already a lot of shipping containers around. That makes them cheap in comparison to many other building materials. Obviously they're also portable and adaptable, making them ideal for urban locations. The shipping containers are given insulated panels and radiators for heat. There are bathrooms of course and even balconies if fecund pots of dirt are necessities for you. Windows, as depicted in the pic above, are also a given. Among the possible downsides are that such living arrangements are fine for single people, but multiple person families are probably another matter.

Yet while my current situation continues to tumult and flux, I could see myself moving into one of these container homes. Mock it all you want, but I happen to prefer it to what might otherwise be valued. The container homes are a small area to keep clean and there is enough room for just me and all that I value, meaning books. Indeed these container units appear ideal for those of us who find attraction to the monastic existence, simple accommodations and few distractions for all of my reading and writing. 

And of course a robust Internet connection is a must. Wouldn't want you all to go without your daily ESE.  

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