Monday, September 23, 2013

1000th post!

It is a blog milestone.  And I'm trying not to give it a pithy, ad-copy name like "ESE1K."

This marks the 1000th post of Esoteric Synaptic Events.

When I started this blog all those years ago in May of 2010, it was meant to be exposure for my science fiction writing.  Scan any of the multitudinous advice blogs and sites for writers and you will see the repeated plea for writers to get their work "out there." I don't mean just to agents and publishers but to establish a name in general. This means engaging in "marketing," "branding," "platforms," "social media," and other noxious terms that I'm too elitist to sully myself with but am really too obscure to afford to ignore.

In time, ESE became more than just a simple writing exercise, creative experiment, or venue for blatant self-promotion.  It saw me being silly.  It saw me in deep depression.  It saw me give vent to what I consider the serious social and political issues of our time.  It saw a complete change in name from its original "Strange Horizons" as I was sent a less-than-humble tweet that there has been a magazine around for ten years of the same moniker. 

More impressive and surprising than any of that, it actually attracted readers.  Okay, maybe not many, but I've been flattered by the number of hits the site has received as well as the positive comments and steady subscribers.  I have even met people whom I now consider to be lifelong friends through the writing of this blog.  That's something I would have never thought possible.  Thank you to you all.  I could not have done it without you.

So what can you expect from ESE in the future?  I am planning for new interviews as well as opening up the blog for reader-submitted subjects (you'll see one of those tomorrow), hopefully guest posts as well, and even a...gasp...podcast that has been recorded and might actually see the light of day!

Stick with me, everybody.  The best is yet to come.  We have many years ahead of "loving the alien." 

As a wise man once said:


Follow me on Twitter: @Jntweets

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