Tuesday, March 5, 2013

UFOs, Clouds, and Nick Redfern

Nick Redfern is at it again about UFOs and I'm pretty happy about it.

I know that I seem to be continually brown-nosing this guy, but I think I have good reason to do so.  Ufologically, I believe that we "park our cars in the same garage" so to speak.  To wit:

"If there is one thing more than any other that I like about the Flying Saucer era of the late 1940s and the early to mid 1950s, it’s the sheer wacky nature of some of the stories that surfaced during that long gone time. Indeed, they are of a caliber (and sometimes of a lack of caliber!) that we just don’t see today. The following is a classic example, and which, just maybe, does indeed have a degree,  or nugget, of truth to it. Who knows?"
That's the lead-in to this article entitled "UFOs, Clouds, and Secret Experiments."

And, as Redfern points out, this UFO story sounds more like something out of Amazing Stories than out of its true source, The Los Angeles Examiner.  An anonymous letter-writer alleged to have had contact with a Soviet merchant sailor.  Said Soviet was seeking out the means to sell 15 polar bear pelts he had accrued (disgusting) while involved in experiments in the Arctic where radioactive clouds were remotely controlled.  Wherever this cloud was directed, animals turned up dead.  At the same time, there were tests of atomic-powered aircraft very similar in shape to flying saucers.  These UFO-like planes were said to be the product of unpublished research done by a Russian chemist.

So wait.  Were at least a segment of the UFO sightings of that time really Soviet experimental aircraft?   Did the mystery aircraft have anything to do with these experiments?  It's unclear.

As with most far-out UFO stories such as these, the evidence trail is slim to none.  There are the actual newspaper letters and the fact that this case seemed to attract the attention of the FBI.  The feds did indeed investigate the case, but where things ended up is uncertain.  For example, just who wrote the letter and who was the mysterious Soviet merchantman?  For that matter, who was the Soviet chemist referred to oh so cryptically?  

Is any of this even feasible?  We do know for a fact that the United States as well as several other world powers have invested effort and research into controlling the weather.  Cloud control would logically appear to be part and parcel of such an endeavor.  Is it too much of a stretch to consider that the Soviets might have had a project like this at one point in time and perhaps it just didn't live up to expectations?  If so, how exactly do UFOs fit in if at all?

Oh boy is this great.

In other UFO-related news, check out these accounts of black triangle sightings in the Kansas City area.  There are spectacular photos included, if indeed they are genuine.  
Sure wish Mac Tonnies could be here to give his thoughts on this UFO weirdness in his own town.

My e-novella, Hound of Winter is available for only 99 cents

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