Saturday, August 7, 2010

In Green Blood

I am going to write this book.  Seriously.  So the concept is mine.  Back off you clowns.  It's going to be a Capote-style, literary nonfiction account of a supposed event that is utterly unbelievable.  A sort of, "non-fiction, science fiction" to crib a bit from the late Charles Nelson Reilly on The X-Files.  I will find a writer's grant to apply for and then use the funds to travel to Dulce, New Mexico, the site of this supposed occurrence.  I have already mentally composed the roster for my investigative team.  These are people chosen for their diverse skills and attributes, such as trusted friendship, meticulous research methods, and nice boobs.  And I will even title the book the same as this post if it isn't too kitschy.  
What is this purported event that his inspired me?  It is the story of Dulce Base.
Outside the aforementioned town of Dulce, New Mexico sits Archuletta Mesa.  Local residents have long held that the geological formation houses a secret military base that stretches several levels beneath the ground.  A bit like NORAD's Cheyenne Mountain complex in Colorado, but more sophisticated.  It is in Dulce Base it is said, that representatives of our government work hand in hand with extraterrestrials, including both Grays and Reptoids.  Deep within the mesa, humans are given alien technology to suss out and implement to their own ends.  Members of several races coordinate to conduct research on psychic and telekinetic powers.  Yet it is the lower levels of the base that are to be feared.  Supposedly called "Nightmare Hall" by those in-the-know, these levels are where aliens perform all manner of genetic experiments on hapless human beings.
Quite the tale, eh?  But what is the basis for it all?  Granted, the Dulce area has long been a hotbed of UFO sightings, alien abductions, and cattle mutilations, but it was a man named Paul Benewitz who first came forward with the outlandish allegation about Archuletta Mesa.  Benewitz was a New Mexico physicist on contract to the U.S. Air Force.  While working at Kirtland, AFB, he supposedly came across "smoking gun" evidence for the goings on at Dulce.  He went to UFO investigators with the information and dedicated himself to exposing this government cover-up.  Sadly, Benewitz had nothing concrete to hand investigators and could only offer his testimony.  As the years wore on, Benewitz became increasingly paranoid, his health deteriorated, and he died in 2005.
Before his passing, however, I came across a book called The Ultimate Deception (Abelard Press) in 1994.  The author of said book was listed only as "Commander X," an individual who claimed to be a secret military operative with firsthand knowledge of Dulce Base.  Once you get past all of the spelling errors, the spotty grammar, and the schlocky print job, Ultimate Deception makes for quite the entertaining read, mainly because the story of Dulce just gets weirder the further you look into it.
Apparently, there was a time in either the late 1970s or early 1980s where the Grays at Dulce Base mentally possessed a few U.S. scientists and took over the facility.  The U.S. military was not about to take this lying down and ordered spec ops in to retake the base.  A firefight ensued, resulting in the deaths of numerous U.S. personnel and the new knowledge that aliens apparently don't do well against nerve gas.  Supposedly, an "East/West Berlin" situation is now maintained at the base, with the upper level in human control and Nightmare Hall in the hands of the aliens. 

Wow.  It's stuff like this that just wants to make me giggle like Flounder in Animal House.  "Oh boy is this great!"  I am reluctant to believe any of it, but it's a wonderfully pulpy tale.  So much so, that I would like to weave two narrative threads together and tell the story of the battle (through the use of literary conjecture of course) along with the account of my personal investigation into the alleged event, the "road trip" if you will.   If you are a Hollywood type, I suppose I'd pitch it as In Cold Blood meets On the Road meets Aliens.  
But don't think that I'll treat it as all fun and games.  I know that there are people in Dulce who treat this subject very seriously, claiming to have seen not just UFOs but also the body bags being brought out of the mesa on the day of the battle.  Besides, on the longshot, hail Mary chance that all of this really did happen, then U.S. soldiers died in that battle.  Their story needs to be told.

Follow me on Twitter: @Jntweets

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